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AVNplay -

Current Projected Pot : AVN - $5

AVN - 654,450 : Previous Pot

Total Current Pot NFT's : 50

Current Latest Drawing Date : 2/15/25

- How to Play & Rules -

- Players must first purchase a current limited NFT from the Emporium Marketplace.

- Once the NFT(s) are purchased, the player can swap, trade or sell their NFT.

- The drawing will be held no later than 48hrs after the last current NFT is purchased or the deadline is reached.

- The drawing will be televised/posted on our website at 8:00 pm EST within 48hours from the last NFT sale or on the deadline date incorporated with the NFT.

- AVNplay will not notify winners. Players must check the website/other means to view the current winners and/or previous.

- All winners must redeem their winnings within 10 days after the drawing date. If not redeemed within the timeframe, the value will be added to the burn fund.

- If all tickets are not sold, the pot will adjust to reflect the sold NFT amount. If 3 or fewer NFT's are holding up the drawing, AVNplay will purchase the tickets, but will not redeem the rewards if selected. The drawing would be redrawn.

- Winners will post the winning NFT on the Emporium Marketplace to redeem their rewards.

- Players must sell their winning NFT back to AVNplay for the current pot value of AVN which is listed at the bottom of this website. For a quicker purchase, you can email us here when it is listed for sale.

- If the winner posts the winning NFT for any other price besides the current pot winning amount, the NFT will not be purchased from AVNplay. The player will need to adjust the listing for purchase within the 10 day period.


Pot payout is as follows :


- All contributing players original purchased NFT's price will be split between the Winning Player/NFT, Avian Foundation, AVNplay and the burn fund.

- The split will be divided as follows: Player/NFT owner 70%, Avian Foundation 10%, AVNplay 15%, Burn Fund 5%


View the current payout splits below


Note :


- The described split also enables us to implement a buffer from any one user purchasing all NFT's for a profit. If all current NFT's were purchased from one individual, the results could result in a significant loss within the redemption timeframe.

- While this platform is designed to help with funding the Avian Foundation, we are not directly associated with the core team. This is a platform to help with gaining more engagement with the network because we enjoy the network, like the direction it is heading and would like to see & help it thrive.

- Ready To Play? -

Don't have any AVN? Purchase some on these exchanges

Purchase your numbered NFT's for a chance to win!


All NFT's are listed at $.10 AVN market value at time of mint/listing

Current Projected Pot : $5 AVN - 1
Winner - 1 AVN
Avian Network - 1 AVN
AVNplay - 1 AVN
Burn Fund - 1 AVN

- ​To verify transfers, here are the addresses to all wallets -

Explorer :

AVN Foundation Donation Address : rPC7kPCNPAVnUvQs4fWEvnFwJ4yfKvArXM


​AVNplay Address : RTF2qmpm98PBSk6yyLn2hyCv4NxaazjKEp

You can also view all transactions on the Emporium Marketplace

Previous Pot : 654,450.00 AVN
Winner - 458,115.00 AVN
Avian Network - 65,445.00 AVN
AVNplay - 98167.00 AVN
Burn Fund - 32,723.00 AVN Logo

- 2025

While this platform is designed to help with funding the Avian Network, we are not directly associated with the core team. This is a platform to help with gaining more engagement with the network because we enjoy the network, like the direction it is heading and would like to see & help it thrive.

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